Editorial ethics

Editorial ethics

Magazine "Economic and social problems of Russia", published by the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAS), consistently adheres to the recommendations of the International Committee on Scientific Ethics of Publications (Committee on Publication EthicsCOPE, – режим доступа: https://publicationethics.org/).

Editorial ethics or scientific ethics of publications is understood as a set of ethical standards that are mandatory for use in the activities of editorial staff, reviewers and authors of the journal.


  1. All materials submitted to the journal are subject to double-blind peer review. Before sending the manuscript to the reviewer, the editorial board tries to make sure that there is no conflict of interest between the author and the reviewer. It also checks whether the reviewer and the author are related or co-authored.

  2. The journal does not publish materials containing incorrect borrowings, including from previously published works of the author of the manuscript. Before reviewing, the manuscript must be checked by the Anti-plagiarism system.

  3. The Editorial Board refuses to publish articles that have already been published or sent to other journals, have appeared or may appear in print before the corresponding issue of the journal "Economic and Social Problems of Russia"is published.

  4. The decision to accept a manuscript for publication or reject it is made on the basis of an unbiased analysis of the content of the manuscript, taking into account the quality of the analysis presented in it, its significance and the reliability of the data used by the author of the manuscript. Authors may not be discriminated against based on their national, gender, or racial principles, or on their religious or political preferences. The decision to accept a manuscript for publication is not influenced by the interests of business and politics, the factor of possible divergence of opinions of members of the editorial board, reviewers and authors.

  5. The responsibility for accepting / rejecting the manuscript lies with the editor-in-Chief and the contributing editors. A manuscript can be rejected without peer review if it does not correspond to the profile and topic of the journal.

  6. If a violation of someone's rights or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics is discovered, the editorial board has the right to withdraw the manuscript accepted for publication from further work, notifying the author about it.

  7. The editor-in-Chief and the editors-compilers are obliged to respect the intellectual independence of the authors. The copyright of persons who have submitted their articles and materials for review is strictly respected: a license agreement is concluded with the authors. The Editorial Board consistently observes editorial secrecy: in principle, it does not disclose information to third parties about the progress of work on manuscripts, the results of their review. Unpublished works may not be transferred to third parties without the written consent of the author.

  8. There is no fee for publishing manuscripts.


  1. Reviewers of the journal can be members of the editorial board, as well as representatives of the professional community, engaged on a voluntary and gratuitous basis.

  2. People who were (are) scientific consultants (supervisors) of authors when applying for academic degrees cannot be involved in reviewing.

  3. The reviewer should evaluate the quality of the manuscript based on the following criteria:: compliance with the topic of the issue; originality and novelty of the presented material, reflection of modern (domestic and foreign) scientific approaches and related publications; compliance with the genre of the scientific article (clear statement of the scientific problem, correctness of argumentation, adequate use of scientific methods of analysis, strict use of concepts, etc.); compliance with the requirements of scientific style (accuracy, logic consistency, evidence, etc.) and requirements for manuscripts.

  4. The reviewer is obliged to note any cases of incorrect citation of works of other authors, notifying the editorial board of any significant similarity between the manuscript under consideration and previously published works of third parties.

  5. The reviewer must respect the intellectual independence of the authors.

  6. The reviewer must provide a timely review.

  7. The reviewer must observe confidentiality when working with manuscripts. They may not show them to others or discuss them with colleagues, and they may not use information about the content of the work before it is published.


  1. It is the responsibility of the author who submits the manuscript for publication to be included in the list of co-authors of persons involved in the creation of the manuscript.

  2. The proposed manuscript should be a full-fledged original scientific study, the results of which have not previously been published in other publications. The authors bear full responsibility for the research results presented in the manuscript.

  3. Citation of other people's works or references to them should be accompanied by an indication of the authors and primary sources. It is not allowed to assign rights to the results of other people's research.

  4. The originality of the manuscript must be at least 65%.

  5. If the manuscript was prepared in the framework of work funded by grants, subsidies, etc., the author indicates this in the footnote to the title.
