Rules for writing manuscripts

Rules for writing manuscripts

В журнале «Экономические и социальные проблемы России» публикуются материалы следующих жанров: научные статьи, обзоры, рецензии, переводы. Номера журнала являются тематическими, поэтому содержание рукописей должно соответствовать тематике номеров.

Manuscripts are accepted electronically in the format .doc or .docx. They must be typed in the Times New Roman 14 font size with a line spacing of 1.5; indent of 1.25. The volume of articles and reviews accepted for consideration should be from 25 to 50 thousand characters (including spaces), book reviews — up to 24 thousand characters. The structure of the materials provided must comply with clause 4.1.5. GOST R. 7.0.7.-2021 "System of standards for information, library and publishing. Articles in journals and collections. Publishing design".

The article title should be written in capital letters with bold text (for example, TRANSITOLOGICAL DISCOURSE IN RUSSIA). Section names should appear in bold (for example, Criticism of transitological constructions by conservatives), names of subsections – bold italics (for example, Influence of external factors). Section names appear in a separate line.

If the manuscript includes graphs or diagrams, the authors must send the original files in the following formats .xls,. xlsx (these files should duplicate the data of graphs or diagrams provided in the article with the ability to edit them). It is advisable to create drawings and diagrams in .ppt, .pptx, or .jpg formats. The corresponding files should also be attached to the manuscript. Drawings, diagrams, graphs, tables and other elements borrowed by the authors must not infringe copyright and must necessarily have links to the original source.

A manuscript submitted for publication must have a list of references. The list of references is given at the end of the text in alphabetical order (first Russian sources, then foreign ones) and is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of bibliographic design adopted by INION RAS and the rules established by the National Standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 7.0.5-2008). References to literature are given in the text in square brackets with the name of the author of the source, the year of publication and pages indicated. Materials can have sub-page text footnotes, except for the description of sources.

Manuscripts should be accompanied by annotations of up to 100 words in Russian and English, as well as four or six keywords in Russian and English. Authors must provide their full name and patronymic, place of work, position, and contact information (e-mail).

design of references and article-by-article bibliographic lists of references
scientific journal
"Economic and social problems of Russia"

The article-by-article bibliographic list of references is compiled alphabetically without dividing it into sections (books, articles, etc.). An important difference between INION RAS publications is that in the description of monographs it is necessary to indicate the place of their publication. Please pay special attention to this.
A link to the electronic version of an article in an electronic newspaper or electronic magazine means that you can omit pages. All other information — information about the author(s), the title of the article, the title of the publication, the date of publication, the e — mail address on the Internet and the date of access to the resource-must be present. When making an interview, both participants – the interviewee and the interviewer-are indicated in the list of references. If the source does not have a year of publication or it cannot be determined, it is indicated that it is "without a year".

For example:
Что такое «Российская общественная инициатива» (РОИ)? – Б. г. – URL: (дата обращения: 21.05.2015.)

If the author has several publications in one year, then each publication in the list of references is assigned a Latin letter after specifying the year.
For example:
Konstruirovanie smyslov : issledovanie simvolicheskoi politiki v sovremennoi Rossii [Constructing Meanings: a Study of Symbolic Politics in Modern Russia]. research, Department of Political Science. nauki, Moscow, 2013, 421 p. (in Russian)
Politicheskoe ispol'zovanie glizma Velikoi Otechestvennoi voyni v postsovetskoy Rossii : evolyutsiya diskurs vlastvuyushchey elitii [Political use of the symbol of the Great Patriotic War in Post-Soviet Russia: Evolution of the Ruling Elite Discourse]. research, Department of Political Science. science.; Editorial board: Miller A. I. (Chief editor) et al. - Moscow, 2013 b. Issue 1, pp. 158-186.

In the text, such a reference is indicated as follows: [Malinova, 2013a, p. 25].

The examples are divided into sections for easy reference to the design rules.

I. Books
The book description should contain the following items::
Full name of the author(s) (if available), title of the publication, full name of the editor or compiler (if available), place of publication, publisher's name, year of publication, volume of publication (if available), number of pages in the book.

Examples of the design of books in the list of references:

1. Russia is at a new turning point : fears and anxieties / M. K. Gorshkov [et al.]; edited by M. K. Gorshkov, R. Krumma, V. V. Petukhov. - Moscow: Alfa-M, 2009. -159 p.

If the title of a collective monograph consists of three or more words, as in the above example, the first 2-3 words are indicated in the reference text of the article: [Russia at a new turning point..., 2009].

2. Putin's Russia: ruins and sprouts of the opposition : (managed democracy) / E. Mikhaylovskaya (comp.). - Moscow: Panorama, 2005. - 380 p.
For this book, where only the author is listed, the link will look like this in the text of the article: [Putin's Russia..., 2005].

3. Klyuchevsky V. O. Kurs russkoi istorii: sochineniya: v 9 t. - M., 1987. - Vol. 1. - 430 p.

4. Besançon M. Good governance rankings : the art of measurement. – Cambridge, MA : World peace foundation, 2003. – 40 p.

5. Contemporary political concepts / G.Blakeley, V.Bryson (eds.). – L.: Pluto press, 2002. – 240 р.

II. Article in the collection
The article description in the collection should contain the following items::
Full name of the author(s) (if available), title of the article, title of the book, full name of the editor or compiler (if available), place of publication, year of publication, pages of the book where the article is located.

Examples of design of articles from the collection in the list of references:

1. Popova O. V. Political orientations of Russian youth : state and management opportunities // Development of political institutions and processes: foreign and domestic experience: proceedings of the VI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International participation. Omsk, April 24, 2015-Omsk: Publishing House of Omsk State University, 2015. - pp. 180-192.

2. Ersson S., Lane J.-E. Electoral instability and party system change in Western Europe // Comparing party system change / Pennings P., Lane J.-E. (eds.). – L., 1998. – P. 23-39.

III. Journal article
The journal article description should contain the following items:: Full name of the author(s) (if available), title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication of the journal, volume (if available), journal number, pages where the article is located.

Examples of design of articles from the journal in the list of references:

1. Zykov A. A., Shinkovsky M. Yu. Russia in the system of cross-border cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region: finding a way // Russia and the Modern World, 2009, no. 4, pp. 98-110.

2. Watts R.J., Griffith D.M., Abdul-Adil J. Sociopolitical development as an antidote for oppression – theory and action // American journal of community psychology. – 1999. – Vol. 27, N 2. – P. 255–271.

IV. Newspaper article
The article description in the newspaper should contain the following items:: Full name of the author(s) (if any), title of the article, name of the newspaper, year of publication, day and month of publication, pages where the article is located.

Examples of formatting newspaper articles in the list of references:

1. Muratov D. Mikhail Gorbachev: before the eyes of all the elections turned into a mockery of people / / Novaya Gazeta. - 2009. - October 17. - p. 1.

2. Степовой А. Председатель партии «Яблоко» Сергей Митрохин : «Мы ранены, но не погибли» // Новые известия : [электронная газета]. – 2009. – 13 октября. – URL: (дата обращения: 10.01.2010.)

V. Electronic source
The description of the electronic source must contain the following items:: Full name of the author(s) (if any), title of the publication, type of electronic resource, year, place of publication (if possible), Internet email address and date of access to the resource.

Examples of design of an electronic source in the list of references:

1. Реакция Запада на политику России : критика, враждебность, санкции / Левадацентр. – М., 2015. – 02.11. – URL: (дата обращения 11.02.2016.)

2. Democratic governance group : a handbook on working with political parties. – N.Y.: United Nations bureau for development policy, United Nations development programme, 2006. – 107 р. – URL: (дата обращения 10.08.2010).

List of accepted abbreviations for the list of references in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.12-2011 and GOST 7.11-2004 (ISO 832: 1994):
un-t – university; univ. - university; publishing house; collection of articles.

Article and review design template (1 author)

Annotation. MAXIMUM of 100 words.
Keywords: MAXIMUM OF 6 words
Для цитирования: Иванов И.И. Название статьи // Социальные новации и социальные науки. – 20ХХ. – № Х. – С. XX-XX.ХХХХХХ/2020.ХХ.ХХ

I.I. Ivanov
Abstract. In English.
Keywords: In English.
For citation: Ivanov I.I. Title // Social novelties and Social sciences (SNS). – 20XX, N X, P. ХХ-ХХ.ХХХХХХ/2020.ХХ.ХХ

Main text
References are given in the text in square brackets with the name of the author of the source, the year of publication, and the page (for example: [Weiss, 2000; Checkoway and Aldana, 2002, p. 36-37; Nechaev, 2002; Turovsky, 2009]). If there are more than three authors [The beginning of the literature title..., 2010, p. 41; Full short title, 2011]. Materials can have sub-page text footnotes.

List of literature
M. Weber Basic sociological concepts // Weber, M. Selected Works, Moscow: Progress Publ., 1990, pp. 602-643.
Maren A. In search of European Identity: Paradiplomatic activity of the Republic of Karelia and its consequences / / Politicheskaya nauka, Moscow, 2002, no. 1, pp. 78-100.
